Getting Started

A simple window

The code to create a simple application with an empty window looks like this:

#include "azul.h" typedef { } struct MyModel; void MyModel_destructor(MyModel* instance) { } AZ_REFLECT(MyModel, MyModel_destructor); AzStyledDom layoutFunc(AzRefAny* data, AzLayoutCallbackInfo info) { return AzStyledDom_default(); } int main() { AzRefAny initial_data = MyModel_newRefAny(MyModel { }); AzApp app = AzApp_new(initial_data, AzAppConfig_default()); AzApp_run(app, AzWindowCreateOptions_new(layoutFunc)); return 0; }

or in Python, where up-and downcasting isn't necessary:

from azul import * class MyModel: def __init__(): pass # empty class def layoutFunc(data, info): return StyledDom.default() inital_data = MyModel() app = App(initial_data, AppConfig.default())

Even at this stage, Azul forces your application structure to conform to a certain style:

  •   One application data model (MyModel)

  •   A function callback that takes an renders a MyModel into a StyledDom

  •   Setup code to intialize the MyModel and run the app

Internally, Azul runs a loop processing the input events and calls the layoutFunc provided to the framework in the WindowCreateOptions once on startup, then it caches the resulting StyledDom.

Adding callbacks

While an empty window is nice to look at, it's not a user interface if the application is not interactive. So let's add a callback:

def layoutFunc(data, info): event = EventFilter.Hover(HoverEventFilter.MouseUp) dom = Dom.body() dom.add_callback(event, data, myCallback) return def myCallback(data, callbackinfo): print("hello", flush=True) return Update.DoNothing

Now the console will print "hello" if you click anywhere on the window. By default, the body node type is expanded to its maximum size (so it covers the entire window).

In this case the callback returns Update.DoNothing, which to azul signifies that nothing in the UI has changed and calling the layoutFunc again is unnecessary. If any callbacks change the UI, they need to return Update.RefreshDom, which will trigger Azul to call layoutFunc again. Since Update.RefreshDom is invoked infrequently, the layoutFunc only gets called a few times per second at most: fast enough to be considered "reactive", but not fast enough to stress the users CPU.

It is important to note that the callbacks have no direct access to the UI objects or the UI hierarchy. All changes that modify the DOM hierarchy must be done via the data model (there are some exceptions for style-only changes, animations and changes to the text content of a node).

The data model

class DataModel: def __init__(): pass

This is where you store application-relevant data: database connections, email content, passwords, user names, you name it. The model is custom to the application that you are building and in the end it will probably look like this:

class MyDataModel: def __init__(): self.users = [ User("Anne", "Shirley", photo=None), User("Matthew", "Cuthbert", photo="/img/users/Matthew.png") ] self.app_config = AppConfig() self.database_connection = None // ... etc.

Azul itself never accesses this struct. It only needs it to hand it to the user-defined callbacks. It wraps the data model in an RefAny struct which is then "cloned" onto the callback (so that the callback has mutable access to the application data via the data field in the callback). "Cloning" a RefAny performs a shallow clone: The data is reference-counted, the actual data only exists once. But be careful: Modifying the data will change it for all callbacks that have a reference to the data.


The layout function that needs to be passed to the WindowCreateOptions is defined as:

fn layout(data: &RefAny, info: LayoutInfo) -> StyledDom

You can construct a StyledDom either directly (via default()) or by combining a Dom with a Css object:

// DOM + CSS = StyledDom def layout(data, info): a = StyledDom.default() b = Dom.body().style(Css.empty()) // equivalent // if the CSS contains a syntax error, will return Css.empty() css1 = Css.from_string("div { background: red; }") c = Dom.div().style(css1) // css1 does not affect this DOM: CSS is local, not global css2 = Css.from_string("body { background: green; }") d = Dom.from_xml("<body><p>Hello</p></body>").style(css2) e = Dom.body().with_child(Dom.text("Hello")) if layout.dark_mode: // Azuls will automatically close the file // when it goes out of scope // // @throws Exception if the file could not be read e ="dark.css").read_to_string()) else: e ="light.css").read_to_string()) a.add_child(a) a.add_child(b.with_child(c)) return a

There are six types of DOM nodes:

  1. Body Should only be used on the root node, same as div, but automatically expands to the maximum width / height
  2. Div Rectangular box
  3. Text(String) Contains a text string
  4. Br Signifies a line break between two text strings. By default all text strings will be laid out contigouusly.
  5. Image(ImageRef) Contains an image (decoded image bytes or OpenGL texture ID)
  6. IFrame(IFrameCallback) Contains an iframe, i.e. a callback that - when being called given the size of the parent node - returns a DOM again: useful to implement infinite-scrolling

All other widgets that you are going to see later simply build a DOM tree (Button, Label), by combining nodes or sub-dom-trees into larger widgets.

The callback

When a user-provided event satisfies the EventFilter.Hover(HoverEventFilter.OnMouseUp) filter, Azul will call the provided callback with the RefAny that was submitted along with it. In this case, it is a mutable reference to the entire application data.

fn callback(data: &mut RefAny, info: CallbackInfo) -> Update

The callback type takes a mutable reference to the RefAny and an additional info struct containing many useful functions:

def callback(data, info): # in Rust you'd need to downcast_mut() to reference your data mutably data.users.append(User("Marilla", "Cuthbert", photo=None)) # CallbackInfo contains many useful functions hit_node_id = info.get_hit_node() parent_node_size = info.get_node_size(hit_node_id) # toggle window flags keyboard_state = info.get_keyboard_state() window_flags = info.get_window_flags() if keyboard_state.current_keys.contains(VirtualKeyCode.F11): window_flags.is_fullscreen = !window_flags.is_fullscreen info.set_window_flags(window_flags) elif keyboard_state.current_keys.contains(VirtualKeyCode.Esc): window_flags.is_about_to_close = True # close window info.set_window_flags(window_flags) # get the parent size hit_node_parent = info.get_parent(hit_node_id) if hit_node_parent is not None: parent_node_size = info.get_node_size(parent_node_id) # perform a hit-test on a text node inline_text = info.get_inline_text(hit_node_id) if inline_text is None: return Update.DoNothing # error cursor = info.get_cursor_relative_to_item() hits = inline_text.hit_test(cursor) hit = None for hit in hits: line = hit.line_index_relative_to_text col = hit.char_index_relative_to_line print("clicked on line " + line + " character " + col + " ") hit = hit.hit_relative_to_inline_text # modify a CSS property cursor_node_id = hit_node_id.get_first_child() if cursor_node_id None: return Update.DoNothing info.set_css_property(cursor_node_id, CssProperty.Transform([ Transform.Translate(PixelValue.px(hit.x), PixelValue.px(hit.y)) ])) # timer_1_id = info.start_animation(hit_node_id, Animation(...)) # timer_2_id = info.start_timer(data, myTimerCallback) # info.stop_timer(timer_2_id) # # thread_id = info.start_thread(data, myThreadCallback, onFinishCallback) # thread_id = info.stop_thread(thread_id) # # info.open_window( # # etc. - see API reference return Update.DoNothing # setting CSS properties does not require re-layout

Running the application

Before we can run the application, we have to do the minimal amount of setup:

  1. Initialize your data model and hand it to Azul
  2. Initialize the App with a given LayoutSolver
  3. Run the app in a root window described by the WindowCreateOptions

The reason specifying the layout solver is required is because there might be multiple layout solvers in the future or you may need to work around specific layout bugs on specific versions. In order to keep Azul forward-compatible, this versioned-layout model approach ensures that your layout will never break even with future versions of Azul.

The WindowCreateOptions contains fields that you can configure before handing the object to Azul:

window = # use software rendering window.renderer_type = RenderType.Software # start window maximized window.state.flags.is_maximized = True # call the layoutFunc every 200ms: # combined with Dom.from_xml("ui.xml").read_to_string()) # you can design your UI at runtime window.hot_reload = True # Set the title of the window window.state.title = "MyApp"

The App stores, initializes and manages all images / fonts resources, windows, threads and the data model for you. You will never interact with the `App` directly, but it is still useful to know that it exists. If all windows are closed the run() method finishes.


Azul caches as much as possible about your UI: the StyledDom, the computed layout, CSS properties, calculated styles, positions and sizes, etc.

  • If the DOM hierarchy does not change it is preferred to use the callbackinfo.set_css_property() methods to change the CSS.

  • Changes to opacity and transform properties are GPU-accelerated, meaning they do not require Azul to re-generate a display list.

  • Changing style properties (colors, gradients, images, etc.) requires a new display list, but does not require recomputing the cached layout.

  • Changing layout properties (such as width or height) changes the cached layout, but does not require a call to myLayoutFunc or any CSS re-styling.

  • Only if you need to re-generate the entire UI, return Update.RefreshDom from the callback

Now that you know how Azul runs your application, you should be able to read the simple counter example:

from azul import * css = """ .__azul-native-label { font-size: 50px; } """ class DataModel: def __init__(self, counter): self.counter = counter # model -> view def my_layout_func(data, info): label = Label("{}".format(data.counter)) button = Button("Update counter") button.set_on_click(data, my_on_click) dom = Dom.body() dom.add_child(label.dom()) dom.add_child(button.dom()) return # model <- view def my_on_click(data, info): data.counter += 1; # tell azul to call the my_layout_func again return Update.RefreshDom model = DataModel(5) app = App(model, AppConfig(LayoutSolver.Default))

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